Don't Forget That Your Problem Has A Bigger Problem... It's GOD!

Often times we find ourselves in a pickle of a situation. We try to sit down & mentally plan or think out ways to get through it.
- Maybe you've been faced with a bill due, so you contemplated going to get a pay-day loan, or pawning your possessions.
- Maybe you were not meeting a quota at work & you see a one-on-one meeting pop up on your work calendar.
- Maybe you prayed, trusted & believed that you would get a call back from that job, but it's been 3+ weeks since your last interview.
- Or maybe your situation is different, and if so, just plug it in here ___, because I know without a shadow of a doubt, we've all faced a problem or 'few' in our lifetime.

What we must remember, at all times, is that our problems have a bigger problem, and that's God!

Now let me say this, because sometimes we think just because he can act quick, He will act quick. But He's not a genie & doesn't work on our time. He's a God of purpose, meaning He's not going to bless & deliver all willy-nilly without getting the glory for it! His timing is everything.

Some thing's you are just going to have to walk it out, but you won't walk alone! Sometimes you are going to have to hit rock bottom, but you won't hit it alone!
But EVERY- TIME, you are going to be kept, because it's all for His purpose! Whether the purpose makes sense now or way later, it's still for His purpose.

And real talk, our ultimate blessing, that we're all ultimately working towards (or at least should be), is in heaven! Not on earth! Don't believe me, well in John 14:2 it reads:

"In my Father's house are many dwelling places, if it were not so, I would have told you. For I go to prepare a place for you."

The bigger your problem, the bigger problem, your problem has... So don't fret now over how things may look or feel. Some blessings are just harder to get to than others.

*Hardly remembered fact - the enemy wouldn't have to work as hard, if he had you... Let that sink in.*

                        From your sister in Christ,
                                                   S. Prioleau


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