
Showing posts from December, 2018

God Is [Someone Needs This Gentle Reminder]

Isolation is never the answer when you’re going through tribulation... God IS up to something good, despite how bad things may look and/or feel. Ask Him to have the Holy Spirit invade your territory to help you through it, as well as send those to pray with and for you, for growth in spiritual maturity during your walk. Psalm 73:28 says:  But it is good for me to draw near to God. I have put my trust in the Lord God, that I may declare thy works!  You see, it's in this trying time (it being whatever circumstance you are facing now, that the enemy is trying to distract & derail you from), that you'll need to not worry about what you 'may' be able to do, but focus on what God IS able to bring you through! Sometimes, you've just got to go through, to get to, what God has for you! Now let me keep it real! At times His presence can feel so strong, & in some moments, it can feel non-existent, but trust me, If you continue to follow & see...